Woohoo. Thank you New York Times, UrbanEye for your Dress Codes feature, "The Preppy Look," and the accompanying article, "The All-American Back from Japan." I love, love, love reading that the preppy look is having a come-back. It seems that every thirty years or so, the preppy look resurfaces. The early 20's, early 50's and early 80's all had strong preppy resurgences. It's fitting that the early 10's will have one as well.
Cole and I are both what you would call "preppy," but we both prefer the term "classic," which has less of a negative connotation. Most people really dislike preppies. Don't ask me why, but they do. I know this because of the anger directed at Cole and I when we're walking down the street, just being ourselves. People leer, point, shout rude comments, and openly laugh, when we're dressed in our classic preppy garb. I've worn some crazy ass clothes in my life, but nothing has attracted more anger then when I wear some of my more obviously preppy looks. Poor Cole gets the backlash on a daily basis at work. His fellow co-workers openly mock his simple classic look of an oxford button-down, khakis, and boat shoes. Why is it so wrong to dress nice, to dress classic, to dress preppy?
So in honor of today's article, I'm busting out my madras shorts and wearing them with pride.

Shorts: old Brooks Brothers, madras (similar eBay)
Belt: Old Navy
Headband: DIY, brown grosgrain ribbon
Tights: Hue, nude fishnets
Shoes: Zara, brown pumps
Bag: Longchamp, Le Pliage (at Nordstrom's)

Here are a few old pics of Cole and I in our preppy attire (ignore my crazy long hair, I was growing it out to donate):

Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket

Yes, we both own Brooks Brothers duffle coats.

Christmas & Corporate Holiday Party

As promised on Twitter, here are a few pics of my new Zara shoes that I bought yesterday on sale!!

Wow, sorry for the super long post.

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→What I Wore Today: 06.18.09- The All-American Japanese Look
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