Miss Chloë Sevigny mixing masculine with feminine while out and about in Soho on 28/05/09. There are so many things wrong with look, but so many more things right. I love the contrast of the big garments on top to the skinny leggings and boots on the bottom.. {Photo Source: The Fashion Spot} Also, I don't really understand how to do it properly yet, but.. Follow my blog with bloglovin!! Can anyone help me actually, I've copied the bloody Bloglovin' verification link into this post so many times to activate it, but it isn't working! Am I being an idiot? (most probably..) HELP! HELP! HELP! xxx
UPDATE: In the end I had to e-mail 'stop leaving me out!' to Bloglovin', but I've now verified and activated my blog - I'm such a bloody drama queen.
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