- I crave Mexican food daily and could happily eat it for every meal. The same goes for pasta, potatoes, and bread and cheese.
- If I could choose how I would spend my days, it would involve being tucked in my favorite chair, in front of a fire, engrossed in a fun and frivolous chick lit book.
- I often have dreams where I am wearing the most gorgeous and fabulous clothes and when I wake up and realize it was all a dream, my heart inevitably breaks.
- One of my biggest fears is change. Not little changes like a new hair style or different clothes, but big life altering changes. I try to avoid them at all costs. So you can imagine how I'm dreading my upcoming move.
- In three short months, Cole and I will be celebrating 10 years of being together! Ten whole years! Can you believe that?!
- Even though my dogs can drive me insane, I secretly want another one!! I'm thinking a little black and white French Bulldog. Chances of this happening are very slim.
- Cole and I discovered a new drink called the Rubber Chicken. It's whiskey, limeade and ginger ale. Sounds disgusting, but it's addictive and delicious.
- My normal go-to drinks are: in the summer- G&T's, and in the winter- Old Fashioned's.
- As you know by now, I love fall. But what I really love is Halloween!! Pumpkin carving, pumpkin seeds, excellent costumes, apple cider, and candy!!
- I also love the Christmas season. I truly enjoy the festivities, music and decorations. Plus, this year Cole and I will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary on December 27th.

Thank you so much dear sweet Nicola, of Nicola Ticola Ponders, for the Awesome Girl award!!
Ten random facts:
My Passport to Style
Jump Into Puddles
Style Bird
The Sydney Girl
Is This Real Life
Pretty Green
Amore Fashion
The Drifter and the Gypsy
Pencil Fashion
Jump Into Puddles
Style Bird
The Sydney Girl
Is This Real Life
Pretty Green
Amore Fashion
The Drifter and the Gypsy
Pencil Fashion

I'll leave you with a preview of tomorrow's post and a song I'm addicted to...

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→I Think You're Awesome, Too
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