I'm thinking of adding a daily sketch of "What I Wore Today" to my blog. My camera is total crap, and every time I try to take wardrobe pics, they come out blurry. So I'm thinking the best solution is to sketch what I'm wearing everyday (well, not everyday, but hopefully 5 days a week). That is, until I can afford to buy a nice d slr, hopefully this fall. What do you think? Yay or Nay?

This past weekend I made a Lulu, Teddy & Wellie shrinky dink from recycled plastic. I adore how it turned out, and the fact that I felt like I was five years old again, was an added bonus. Now, my brain is whirling with ideas of other things I can create with shrink art plastic!! Here's a great tutorial on how to make your own shrinky dinks.

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→What I Wore Today & DIY
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