I love a blog that has so much eye candy that you step away from your computer hungry for delicious treats. Koralee, of Bluebird Notes, seriously has the most mouthwatering blog. She always makes me wish I could bake and create such gastronomical delights.

Thanks so much Koralee for being my third Blogger of the Week!
Would you like to be featured as a Blogger of the Week? Simply follow this blog and be your sweet, beautiful self.

The ingredients for Koralee's plum pie:

What’s your Age and Location?
All I can say about my age is that more and more wrinkles are taking up permanent residence on my face...I try to think of them as " Smile Lines". I live in one of the most beautiful places in the World...The West coast of British Columbia, Canada....very very close to the city of Vancouver {home of the 2010 Winter Olympics. I had to throw that in}.

Koralee's plum pie on plum plates:
All I can say about my age is that more and more wrinkles are taking up permanent residence on my face...I try to think of them as " Smile Lines". I live in one of the most beautiful places in the World...The West coast of British Columbia, Canada....very very close to the city of Vancouver {home of the 2010 Winter Olympics. I had to throw that in}.

Koralee's plum pie on plum plates:

What inspired you to start blogging?
Well it all started because of one of my daughters....she is very much into fashion and follows a few of the fashion blogs. She would always be calling me to come look at this blog or that blog. I started taking longer looks and was totally drawn in by the creativity of it all. I have always adored taking photographs and thought I would just start a photo blog with no words...but the words sort of followed and my blog just evolved into what it is today. {My posts are always created/inspired from an image I adore}. I started my blog, January of this year...and I was hooked.

Well it all started because of one of my daughters....she is very much into fashion and follows a few of the fashion blogs. She would always be calling me to come look at this blog or that blog. I started taking longer looks and was totally drawn in by the creativity of it all. I have always adored taking photographs and thought I would just start a photo blog with no words...but the words sort of followed and my blog just evolved into what it is today. {My posts are always created/inspired from an image I adore}. I started my blog, January of this year...and I was hooked.

Koralee's majestic maple tree and swing:

What's one tip you’d like to share with other bloggers?
That's easy....Blog for the Pure Joy of it. If you blog from the heart....your readers will pick up on that. You need to find the Joy in whatever you do...for me it is blogging. I can create, inspire and meet amazing people....now that to me is... Pure Joy!

That's easy....Blog for the Pure Joy of it. If you blog from the heart....your readers will pick up on that. You need to find the Joy in whatever you do...for me it is blogging. I can create, inspire and meet amazing people....now that to me is... Pure Joy!

Koralee's stunning black and white kitchen:

What’s your favorite song of the moment?
I have been listening to "Fools Gold" by Katie Herzig and "Ordinary Day" by Emily Mover but I adore any song by ColdPlay.

More black and white delights:
I have been listening to "Fools Gold" by Katie Herzig and "Ordinary Day" by Emily Mover but I adore any song by ColdPlay.

More black and white delights:

What are you most looking forward to wearing this fall?
Lets see.....I have always loved Cardigans...this season I am going to wear longer ones belted. Tulle Coats and Menswear Inspired Pants with Oxford Heels.
Lets see.....I have always loved Cardigans...this season I am going to wear longer ones belted. Tulle Coats and Menswear Inspired Pants with Oxford Heels.

Thanks so much Koralee for being my third Blogger of the Week!
Would you like to be featured as a Blogger of the Week? Simply follow this blog and be your sweet, beautiful self.

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→Blogger of the Week: Bluebird Notes
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