Above: being a complete and utter groupie (and looking effortlessly chic while doing it) at a Rolling Stones concert at the London Astoria in 2003

Above: rocking no make-up or embellishments, just skinny jeans, a fur coat, black boots and a silver ring while running errands in London in 2004

Above: this photograph and look is possibly just too-cool-for-school, as Moss teams some classic black pumps with stripes and short shorts in 2006

Above: looking simple, but fierce in what I think might be a Dior Homme cape and sunnies while visiting Stella McCartney's offices in London in 2005

Above: epitomising summer-chic by rocking shades, shorts, sandals and a glowing tan while walking with her PA in St.John's Wood in London in 2006
{Part 1} / {Part 2} / {Part 3} / {Part 4} / {Part 5} / {Part 6} / {Part 7} / {Part 8} / {Part 9} / {Part 10} / {Part 11} / {Part 12} / {Part 13} / {Part 14} / {Part 15} / {Part 16} If you do not wish to view the above parts individually, then visit the Most Wanted archive {HERE} {Photo Source: katemossonline.net}
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