Edita in Balmain S/S 09
Pencil, Black Marker & Glitter
Another newbie for the show.
I've decided not to have a real 'theme' but rather
just focus on what i've been working on for the
last few months with my personal work.
So it's all fashion, beauty based stuff
(with the occasional birdy or blossom thrown in).
BUT I am still playing with different materials.
It's challenging to have to rely on tactile objects to
represent the clothing properly, i'm so used to the
perfection of digital colouring over my pencil work.
I feel like i'm in primary school again,
using all of these permanent markers, silver and gold pens,
and of course glue and glitter!
But it's actually pretty fun to 'colour in' again!
More to come soon.
P.S I accidently shoplifted today!!!
I honestly didn't mean to. I feel so guilty! :(
I think I just went a bit vague and thought my purse
was one of my enviro bags or something. Not sure.
But I was holding onto everything else so just forgot
about it when I got to the counter.
But it was only a lollie for $1 so i'm going
to go back tomorrow and give it to them!
How embarrassing. Haha.
Has anyone else ever done that?
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