You've probably noticed by now that I've changed the look of my blog. Not only did I do that, but I also changed every single picture that I've ever uploaded. I went back and scrapbloged all my pictures and I think they look so much better! So please scroll through my old posts and look at the pictures with fresh eyes.
Some other changes I've implemented are the sizes of the pictures are now much bigger and I also added a link to a website I've been working on (see sidebar). The website is very bare minimum and I'm still trying to tweak certain things, but I wanted a place where people could come and have access to all my sites.
It's been a while since I've done a self portrait and the last one I did still had my super long hair from before I donated it last July. So here's a new self portrait. I like it, but I'm always very critical of any self portraits that I draw. So it's hard for me to really enjoy it.