Photo Credits: Cole. Thanks, darling!
Olive Canvas Jacket: F 21
Old Red Plaid Flannel Shirt: Cole's
High Waist Jeans: Urban Outfitters
Plaid & Fur Trapper Hat: Cole's
Old Sorels Boots: Cole's
Charcoal Hand Knit Scarf: made by mom
Gold Locket: J.Crew
Red Lipstick: Revlon, Really Red

Thank you so very much for all the prayers and condolences, they really mean so much to me. I still can't fathom that Jeremy is gone, but I'm trying really hard to find peace with it.
Cole and I spent a very blustery weekend at my parents' cottage where the temperatures never reached above 20 degrees fahrenheit. For the shoot, we drove into the little town nearby and snapped some photos on a beautiful old bridge that leads to the library. The river that runs under the bridge also spills into Lake Michigan. It's definitely one of my favorite places in town.

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→White Bridge
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